Dongmin (Eugene) Bang


Ph.D. Candidate in Interdisciplinary program in Bioinformatics at Seoul National University @ Bio & Health Informatics Lab. with Prof. Sun Kim

Senior Researcher @ **AIGENDRUG** Co., Ltd.

Licensed pharmacist in South Korea

Research Interests:



2021- Ph.D. Candidate in Interdisciplinary program in Bioinformatics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

2015- Pharm. D, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea

2012- B.S. Student in Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

2010- Sejong Science High School, Seoul, Korea


<aside> 🎓 Google scholar page


  1. D Bang*, B Koo*, S Kim. “Transfer Learning of Condition-Specific Perturbation in Gene Interactions Improves Drug Response Prediction”, Bioinformatics (April, 2024) - Transferred from Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2024, Montreal, Canada
  2. J Gu*, D Bang*, J Yi*, D Kim, S Kim, S Lee. A Model-agnostic Framework to Enhance Knowledge Graph-based Drug Combination Prediction with Drug-Drug Interaction Data and Supervised Contrastive Learning. Briefings in Bioinformatics (August, 2023)
  3. D Bang, S Lim, S Lee, S Kim. Biomedical knowledge graph learning for drug repurposing by extending guilt-by-association to multiple layers. Nature Communications (June, 2023)
  4. J Shin, Y Piao, D Bang, S Kim, K Jo. DRPreter: Interpretable Anticancer Drug Response Prediction Using Knowledge-Guided Graph Neural Networks and TransformerInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) (November, 2022)
  5. D Bang*, J Gu*, J Park, D Jeong, B Koo, J Yi, J Shin, I Jung, S Kim, S Lee. A Survey on Computational Methods for Investigation on ncRNA-Disease Association through the Mode of Action PerspectiveInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) (September, 2022)
  6. S Lim*, S Lee*, Y Piao, MG Choi, D Bang, J Gu, S Kim. On modeling and utilizing chemical compound information with deep learning technologies: A task-oriented approachComputational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (CSBJ) (August, 2022)